One Peice

                One Piece

If you wanna watch something funny with full of action, drama, suspense and a great story line, I recommend you watch One Piece.

One Piece is an story of a boy named Luffy [Monkey D Luffy] who wants to become the King of the Pirates after getting inspired form the previous king of the Pirates Gol D Roger.

The whole plot of the story revolves around the treasure, which Gol D Roger has left at the end of the world named One piece.

Luffy, in his quest to find one piece and to fulfill his dream of becoming the king of the pirates begins his journey to find the crew for his ship , the first member he finds is Ronoroa Zoro who is an swordsman.

Now , I don't want to give you any more spoilers and if you find this story interesting ,go watch one piece  in the link given below and trust me you won't regret watching it.

One piece has an total of 1025 episodes till date each episode is of 30 minutes.

Link for watching One piece:-


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